- The company makes available the vehicle specified in this Agreement, at the time and under the conditions set forth in this Vehicle Rental Agreement. The rental price includes an unlimited number of kilometers for cars, and for motorcycles up to 350 kilometers per day.
- By signing this Agreement, the user of the rental service confirms that the vehicle has been taken over in a technically sound condition, with cosmetic and non-functional damages specified in the Agreement.
- The user of the rental service receives a full tank of fuel when picking up the vehicle and is obliged to return the full tank when returning the vehicle. When returning the vehicle, the user of the rental service is obliged to present the receipt for the filled tank.
- The user of the rental service undertakes to return the vehicle with all parts, tools, documents, standard and additional equipment with which he took the vehicle to the address Ante Kovačića 5, Petrinja 44250, Republic of Croatia.
- The user of the rental service will return the vehicle on the agreed date and time, or earlier at the request of the Company. For each lease extension, the user of the rental service will request the consent of the Company 24 hours in advance, and at the same time upon obtaining the consent, the Company will charge an additional amount from the deposit if the user of the rental service does not pay immediately upon approval. If the user of the rental service does not return the vehicle within the agreed time, the Company will be charged according to the currently valid price list.
- The vehicle may only be driven by users of the rental service, i.e. persons named in this Agreement as drivers, provided that they have all the necessary qualifications and documents.
- The vehicle may not be used for: sports competitions; if the user of the rental service is under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication; if it is overloaded or has more passengers than allowed. If the vehicle is planned to be used for driving on unpaved roads, the lessee is obliged to emphasize this information to the lessor before signing the Agreement.
- The user of the rental service may not assign the rights acquired under this Agreement, nor may he alienate the vehicle or its individual parts.
- If the user of the rental service exceeds the agreed deadline for returning the vehicle without the prior consent of the Company, the vehicle will be considered stolen. about which the Company will inform the police. In such a case, the user of the rental service will be considered financially responsible for the vehicle.
- The user of the rental service undertakes to take care of the technical condition of the vehicle during the rental period and to regularly check the oil, coolant, tire pressure, etc., i.e. to make the necessary replacements in a timely manner or to ensure that the owner does so. The company will compensate the user for the necessary costs for oil, lubricant, regular servicing and other things except for the costs of washing the rented vehicle, based on the presented R-1 invoice, which must read LUMAR DRIVE j.d.o.o.; OIB: 14245189984.
- The user is responsible for damage to the vehicle caused by his own fault or improper use of the vehicle. In this case, the user will be charged for the costs of towing the damaged vehicle, the costs of repairing the vehicle, the costs of reducing the value of the vehicle and the loss of income on that vehicle during the entire time of repair, according to the currently valid price list for vehicle rental. Vehicle repair is charged according to the offer / estimate of the authorized service, which includes original parts (scratched parts are painted, and dented and damaged parts, and scratched parts that cannot be painted are replaced with new original parts). Repair includes all actions necessary to return the vehicle to the condition in which it was taken over. The user of the rental service will also bear the costs that the Company may have towards third parties, which are caused by the improper use of the vehicle by the user of the rental service. The company will charge a fee of €300 if the User of the rental service has not reported the damage to the vehicle that he caused.
- The user of the rental service is responsible for damage to the vehicle during the rental period caused by the User or a third party. In case of damage to third parties, the User will bear all costs that the Company may incur on this basis.
- The user of the rental service undertakes to lock the keys and take the vehicle documents with him when he is not using the vehicle. At the end of the rental, the User must return the keys and documents of the vehicle to the Company or compensate the costs incurred due to their loss.
- The user of the rental service may leave the territory of the Republic of Croatia with the vehicle only with the prior consent of LUMAR DRIVE j.d.o.o.
- During the rental period, the user will bear the costs of parking, garages, tolls, fines for traffic violations; vehicle deposit costs due to improper parking as well as other extraordinary costs.
- The user of the rental service will bear the costs of mechanical breakdowns on the vehicle if he did not take all the necessary measures to prevent the breakdown, and he could have.
- The company does not bear any consequences caused by the breakdown of the vehicle during use.
- The user of the rental service undertakes to pay all costs under this Agreement within the legally prescribed period.
In the event of a vehicle breakdown or an accident, the User undertakes to protect the interests of the vehicle owner by:
- inform the Company about a breakdown of the vehicle or an accident immediately after its occurrence and will not undertake any actions without the Company's consent;
- secure and remove the vehicle before leaving the scene of the accident;
- record the names, addresses, document numbers (driver's license, identity card or passport) and telephone numbers of all persons involved in the accident.
- The user of the rental service undertakes to pay the total amount of damages for all points of this Agreement for which he bears the blame. The amount of damage will be charged from the deposit that the User leaves when taking over the rental vehicle, and if that amount is not enough, then from the User's other assets or from VISA, DEBIT or any other card that he has left for the possibility of payment. In case of theft of the vehicle, the User is obliged to pay a Deposit +20% of the current value of the vehicle as assessed by the comprehensive insurance. This amount will be collected from the User's other assets.
- Any intentional damage to tires, i.e. wear that is greater than normal for the mileage covered, is charged from €50 to €400, and the damage is assessed by the Lessor according to the tire wear state entered in this Agreement (if it is not specified under the additional note that the tire is too worn, then the tire is considered to be in good condition).
- An integral part of this Agreement is the Price List of Services in force at the time of conclusion of this Agreement.
- Changes to the terms and conditions of this Agreement are possible only with the written consent of both parties.
- With this Agreement, the user of the rental service also declares that he takes and uses the vehicle at his own risk, and that in case of careless handling or a traffic accident caused by his own fault, he will not charge LUMAR DRIVE j.d.o.o.
- In the event of a dispute, the commercial court in Zagreb is competent.